A Little Pony

Photo of a pony

This image is From

This is an image of a pony with shiny eyes. The photo is interesting because it's a part of my childhood. The graphic format is a GIF format.

Characteristics of GIF graphic format

  1. Best used for line art and logos
  2. Maximum of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated
  4. One color can be configued to be transparent

Red Hearts

Photo of hearts

This image is From

This is an image of many red hearts falling by the side. I love this photo because it is aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. I also love the color red. The graphic format is a PNG format.

Characteristics of PNG graphic format

  1. Support millions of colors
  2. Support multiple levels of transparency
  3. Combines the best of GIF and JPEG
Photo of a sunflower

This image is From

This is a image of a growing sunflower. I find this photo lovely because I used to grow sunflowers in my garden in front of my house. They are really tall flowers. The graphic format is a JPEG format.

Characteristics of JPEG graphic format
  1. Best used for photographs
  2. Up to 16.7 million colors
  3. Cannot be animated
  4. Cannot be made transparent